Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fashion Fever on a planet who's temperature is rising

I have found that I am supposedly, along with all the other humans on Mother Earth 5 years older that me and like.... 20 years younger than me, the future of this planet of ours which is (supposedly, once again) dying and taking us with it.
Now I sit here with a few questions of my own about this subject:
* How can we take anything seriously that people say who have fought to be the first people on the moon, just to check whether it is REALLY made out of cheese?-Which, by the way, it is....I think...? How do we know this is not all just a scam to keep us in order and on our toes, like the boeggers- (like-in nose goo) monster of my childhood?
* How can I take my life as a fashion student, serious, when the world is supposed to come to an end any second? Suddenly admiring Blair's cute pair of shoes in GossipGirl seems pretty ridiculous. I mean, is it not obvious that I should be thinking of planning furniture that can be folded into chairs like that of Chalayan?
*How do I get myself to care enough about this planet dying out when I'm not here anymore? How do I make a difference? I mean, I'm just a tiny person in a country seemingly so insignificant that I always stress that, when I have to choose the country from which I am, it might not be listed.

How do we take ourselves seriously if everything we attempt to achieve, might be useless, because it won't save this planet, and it won't be remembered if there's no one to remember it?

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