Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My shopping bags of today could still see my great great grand children!

Today when I went shopping for some much needed thickening spray for my flat and sad hair, the girl behind the counter asked me if I would like a bag (plastic) for my bottle of spray. I said "no thank you" and declared to her that I am a proud Greeny who tries to NOT buy plastic bags. The girl behind the counter looked kinda scared that I was going to break out in a dance rehearsal with matching moves about how we must save the world, and left as soon as I finished my sentence. This got me thinking: Are we living in a world, or at least in a country, where "being green" is just not "in"? We are all aware of the fact that "being green" is huge in Europe and America, but do South Africans agree with this lifestyle? Every time I buy a plastic bag, or get one for free, I just imagine how long it will take for the soil on our feet to digest those bags. A hundred years? Two hundred years? Where were the world at a hundred and fifty years ago? Cars were a new and exciting toy for men, women had no rights, there was no McDonalds, people still rode horses around town, technology wasn't even a WORD. Thats how long ago a hundred and fifty years ago is!
I think a shopping bag made from natural fibers feels nicer than plastic, its more comfortable to carry around and it can be a name brand. I think greeny friendly bags are in FASHION.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO!! I can just picture that face! Haha!
    Sometimes I wish I could've been around a hundred and fifty years ago... or more.

    And yeah, the greeny friendly bags ARE fashion... you can dress them up so nicely! Be creative about it! Thing is... ppl forget their bags at home and just opt for plastic ones. Urgh!
